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Writer's picture: maddiemurphymaddiemurphy

Updated: Jun 8, 2020

I've been working on re-rendering the different shots of the trailer. I've been vaguely working on things from the end forward. This was individual work so I can get some clean renders. It's only been about a week since school got out but I wanted to get these done and off my plate. I've been steadily working on these for the week. Many of these changes are for my personal version of the renders and a few are because the change wasn't addressed in the time for the original renders.

I composed this list as I was going through and making notes at the current states of the renders, May 23rd.

seq01_01 - choppy animation?

seq01_15 - add new light on hunter.

seq01_20 - move camera closer (tighter shot). add consistency items. make so gran doesn't walk through light.

seq05_05 - working on render. seq05_10 - change camera angle. seq05_15 - check for depth of field. seq05_20 - gotta track down the texture for the carrots. sent to render. seq10_01 - light in the house? sent to render. seq10_05 - fixed camera. added consistency items. sent to render. change where depth of field is. lights on house flicker.

seq10_10 - sent to render. need to turn down lights in comp? the lights on house are blinking.

seq10_15 - re-rendered. Turn down new light in comp.

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